
The Free and Open Productivity Suite
Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15
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Automated Dictionary Installers:

===> DicOOo Macro: multi-platform
===> DictInstall: Windows
===> OOoDI: Unix, Linux

*** DicOOo Macro: Multi-Platform, Multi-Language, On/Off-Line Dictionary Installer

The macro in DicOOo.sxw, created by Laurent Godard, is a multi-platform solution for installing dictionaries:
  1. on any platform executing and with DicOOo.sxw available;
  2. On-Line: install dictionaries from the Internet while connected; or
  3. Off-Line: use Dictionary Packs for installation from a local network, hard disk or Community CD.

We hope that Community distributors will find DicOOo and dictionary packs a useful addition on their CDs.

Some notes on building or modifying Off-Line Dictionary Packs for your requirements:
This feature is especially dedicated to distributing dictionaries with CDs. An Off-Line Dictionary Pack contains 3 text files and the included dictionary zip files. The 3 text files describe what the off-line pack contains for each dictionary type:

  1. spell.txt: for the included spellchecker zip files. Uses same structure as the file.
  2. hyph.txt: for the included hyphenation zip files. Uses same structure as the file.
  3. thes.txt: for the included thesaurus zip files. Uses same structure as the file.
Moreover, DicOOo code has been designed to limit the needed modification to the code, to let it start in off-line mode by default. Users who want to adapt it, have only to focus on two global constants in the LangPack module:
    StartOffLine=0 ; 0/1 to deactivate/activate off-line mode by default
    NomPackLang="" ; Name of the off-line pack zip file. Relative URLs to DicOOo location are allowed

Tech Notes:

When finished installing dictionaries, exit and exit the QuickStarter if it's running.
Restart and navigate to Tools>Options>Language Settings>Writing Aids.
Select your new dictionaries. :-))

DicOOo Tutorials Available:

Deutsch, html   :: English, pdf & sxw  :: Español, html  :: Français, pdf & sxw  ::

Make a tutorial in another lang? Suggestion for improvement? Error?   Contact Richard at

*** DictInstall: OOo Dictionary Installer for Windows

For Windows, Lee Corbin has created a nicely automated Dictionary Installer. Binary and source are available for
Lee Corbin's DictInstall for Windows.

        --> Lee's Dictionary Install Tips for Windows,  in
    English | Deutsch | Français | Español | Finnish | Danish | Greek | Italian | Nederlands

*** OOoDI: OOo Dictionary Installer for Linux/Unix

For Linux/Unix, Jonathan Hudson has created a nice, automated Dictionary Installer. Binary and source are available at

        --> Jonathan's Dictionary Install Tips for Linux.

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